Black Vulture
Black Vultures
Great Egret I
Pine Siskin, Provincetown
Scarlet Macaws
Flamingos, Skeleton Coast
Crimson-rumped Toucanet, Mashpee, Equador
White Storks, Uganda
African grey parrot, Provincetown
Wild turkey, Provincetown
Great white egret, Quiogue
Eastern Towhee, North Truro
African Buffalo Ox, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda
Yellow-billed Stork, Kazinga Channel, Lake Edward, Uganda
Red-necked Spurfoul, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda
Pied Kingfisher, Kazinga Channel, Lake Edward, Uganda
Black-headed Weaver, Ruwenzori River, Katunguru, Uganda
Striated Heron
Black Shouldered Kite, Kenya
Grey Crowned Crane, Uganda
Flamingos, Skeleton Coast II
Southern Yellow Billed Hornbill, Erindi, Namibia
Weaver, Naankuse,Namibia
Hummingbird, Costa Rica
Agami Heron, Rio Frio
Yellow Warbler, Costa Rica
Blue Heron, Rio Frio
Emerald Toucanet, Costa Rica
Great Egret, Costa Rica
Fiery-throated hummingbird, Costa Rica
Green Violetear, Costa Rica
Rivoli's Hummingbird, Costa Rica
Violaceous Trogan, Costa Rica
Boat-billed Heron, Costa Rica
Agami Heron, Rio Frio II
Yellow-crowned night heron, Osa Peninsula
Green Heron, Osa Peninsula
Purple Gallinule, Osa Peninsula
Laughing falcon, Osa Peninsula
Great Egret II
White Ibis, Osa Peninsula
Barn owl, Osa Peninsula
Cattle Egret
Black-bellied Whistling Duck
Crested Owl
Common Black Hawk
Bare-Throated Tiger Heron
Juvenile Green Heron
Royal Terns, Corolla beach, Outer Banks, NC
Self-Portrait with Bird and Lizard, Osa Peninsula
Southern Grey-headed Sparrows