Greetings from Provincetown Summer.

Every year, I promise myself that the hustle and bustle of beach-town life won’t take me away from this newsletter, but here we are. It's been a whirlwind of everything you would expect from the life of an artist-innkeeper. I hope you’ll stop in at the gallery and say hello when you are in town.

Recently I was able to capture one of my favorite examples of this. summer. It is a short walk from Gabriel’s to the West End Racing Children's Community Sailing clubhouse. Since 1950, the WERCCS has opened its doors during the summer months with a fantastic program teaching children who live or visit the Outer Cape to sail.  Having spent so much of my life on and around boats, these kids are learning a skill near my heart. A spread from this collection was recently featured in The Provincetown Independent, our local newspaper, as part of an article about WERCCS. I hope you enjoy my extended collection of these fleet-ing of moments.

Until next time,


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Wooden bow of a boat, with a view of the sea and a sailboat
Elizabeth Brooke

I am a photographer living on Cape Cod, Massachusetts.


Connecting with the Shy Fox


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